The Lego Movie 2. I actually never saw the original in its entirety even though we own it. Maya Rudolph as the mother is a pleasant surprise. I’m a bit exasperated by the continued depiction of fathers as buffoons. The plot is interesting, and I don’t think I can write much about it without spoiling big parts of the plot, but they’re facing yet another existential threat (Armomageddon!). It’s a movie you will like if you’ve ever argued with a brother or sister or tried to make peace between siblings fighting over toys, Legos especially–as I think my kids might be doing right now, actually.
King Lear. It’s an Amazon Prime original starring Anthony Hopkins as King Lear. I’ve watched about half of it so far. Hopkins’ portrayal is excellent, of course. It’s set in modern times; at this point I’m not really sure what the modernization adds to it beyond different uniforms for the military personnel and, I think, a few nods to the legacy of colonialism.
Woody Woodpecker. This movie is terrible. The acting is awful, the plot is mediocre, and even the animation leaves something to be desired. Naturally, my kids love it. I don’t have a
AAF Livestreams. We don’t have cable, and I’ve taken something of an interest in the Alliance of American Football with a team in Birmingham (here are my thoughts for Forbes). You can watch all the games on the website free of ads and (if you don’t like it) free of commentary. It’s interesting and early returns seem positive, but I’m frankly not sure the league will survive over the long term without a big subsidy from the NFL. Johnny Manziel is reportedly in talks with the AAF, which should give them some added attention.